
in English


atelier tanu(アトリエ・タニュ)は、日々感じる異文化の混在するエネルギーを梃子に、散文詩と写真に関する仮想のワークショップである。2012年に開設して以来、さして情熱を傾ける訳でもなく日々ゆっくりと制作を続けているこのblogそのものが、ある意味作業場そのものでもあり、製作者のため息でもある。時にその実体は横浜の栃の木のテーブルの上であったり、ブルターニュの雨音が響く灰色のソファーの上だったりするが、差して違いはない。何かひとつでも誰かが気に入れば、その瞬間に作品はその場を離れ、自由になるものだ。それこそがこのアトリエの意味なのである。

ワークショップの名前が以前はatelier tagnoueと記載されていたことを憶えている方もいらっしゃるだろう。発音は概ね今と同じであって’g’は発音しない。tanuの由来については明らかにしていないが、tanuのスペルがあまりにシンプルなために様々な場所で既に使われており、ワークショップの名前に採用するに相応しくなかったというのがtagnoueという複雑な記載の理由であった。例えば、le tanuを検索してみてほしい。きっとフランス北部の小さなコミューンを発見することだろう。




個人としてのTagnoueは、古典的な意味でのアートであればマチス、デュフィ、ガレ、ラリック(H.Matisse, R.Dufy, É.Gallé, R.Lalique)などを好み、音楽であればラベル(M.Ravel)や広くジャズやラテンを愛する。縁があってかフランスの作品が多いが、フランスが好きだからということではなく、フランスがいつの時代もアートの中心にあったということだろう。




What l’atelier tanu is.

L’atelier tanu is a virtual workishop of prose poems in Japanese and photos. A author of the workshop is sometimes working on a grey couch at a small flat in Brittany, sometimes writing on a horse-chestnut table in Yokohama but it’s hardly different.
The author intends to use literary language in Japanese here since most of the blogs are written with colloquial style today and he believes that it would be a better way to write something in cross-cultural place in literary Japanese. Perhaps, computer translation may fail to do because of this uncommon expression. Even if it doesn’t work well, you could enjoy the most of posts through pictures.

Who tagnoue is. 

  • Engineer, project manager, photographer and nature lover.
  • Yokohama – Bretagne based.
  • [pronounce] ta(g) gnu or ta(g ca)noe, ‘g’ is unvoiced.
  • [meaning] mostly no meaning but something like a mixture of a tag, l’inconnue, a naught, a canoe and nougat. 


29 thoughts on “About”

    1. Thanks for comments. I live in Yokohama, Japan and sometimes visit Europe in business. Probably I should add some text in English here. Wow, yes, ‘tagnoue’ is a bit strange. This is from my old nickname which is not common.

  1. Hi there… glad to connect and interact with you… 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by blog.
    Happy New Year. Wishing you a wonderful year.

  2. Hello …

    I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you. I appreciate your ‘follow’, knowing how many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our fruit farm in southern Turkey. I also add my observations on life and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    The blog has grown to some 1150 posts now; so if you are at a loose end one day, you’d be most welcomed to stay a while and have a trawl through. There are plenty of drop-down categories within the menu to help in said digging process. Saying that, if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, feel free to let me know.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    1. Thank you for stopping by. I’m enjoying great Turkish scenery and culture through your photos and text. Have a nice day.

  3. Your pictures are wonderful! And its wonderful that you have written most of your posts in Japanese and english. Nice to learn about the cross cultural experiences.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I used to go to a movie many years ago but not now. One of my favorites was Suzuki Seijun’s film.

  4. MickETalbot
    August 11, 2016 at 12:04
    Nominated for Versatile Blogger Award
    I have nominate you for this award.
    I’m very thankful for receiving this NOMINATION for Versatile Blogger Award. The nomination came from lucarna
    These are the rules:
    1. Show the award on your blog.
    2. Thank the person/people who nominated you.
    3. Share 7 things about yourself.
    4. Nominate 15 blogs.
    ⦁ I am Welsh
    ⦁ I am an amature entomologist
    ⦁ I like wildlife macro photography
    ⦁ I love all music especialy trance.
    ⦁ My favorite TV viewing is wildlife documentaries.
    ⦁ My favorite book is On the Origin of Species Author Charles Darwin
    ⦁ Long before the internet was available to everybody, I loved talking to people from around the world via C.B, radio.
    15 blogs I have nominated.
    Thanks to all for the inspirations.

  5. I came here only today – thank you for your support of my blog! I will follow you, even if I find it difficult with your beautiful language. I love your pictures, though, and will hopefully be able to visit your country one day. The rest of my family have all been to Japan and speak highly of it. Through photos and pictures I know it is a country of great beauty, and my family also love the people living there.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I started this blogging just for learning WP and then soon I was interested in posting my writing works. Now I learned one of most powerful things in blogging is to know various cultures and nature. I’m happy to talk with you.

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